
What happens when the Indigo Child is no longer a child

I don’t know if my title is more of a statement or a question.

I sometimes forget that although I was meant for this world... It was not meant for me.

A few years back, my mom showed me an article on Indigo Children. With each word, the more it sounded like me.

I sometimes lose sight and I forget who I really am and why I am here.

It’s hard to not lose sight of myself while being beat on in every direction from people who just don’t understand, nor do they care to.

Sometimes, Indigo children are listed as being only autistic. While I believe that in many cases, they are, not all Indigo Children are. Some are just spacey, chaotic, restless, etc. We are all true free spirits and don’t respond well to many things.

For example, I am always late. Period. Always. I cannot be on time to save my life and when I am, something else goes "wrong". I’ve learned to find these things comical now. It’s not that I’m doing it to be rude, but it is who I am and I don’t care to change it to conform to anyone standards.

So while yesterday was a blog of self doubt, don’t be worried. For if we never question ourselves, then we never learn to grow and we never really discover who we truly are.


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