
As if the fire wasn't enough drama

This morning, I dreaded going to work. I just had that sinking feeling all day long and an urge to be at home. I couldn't concentrate and I was jumpy all day long.

Quitting time couldn't come soon enough. When I got home, I noticed something very odd.
The outside door was wide open. Now I NEVER use that door, EVER. I thought perhaps the kids on the 3rd floor were running around and had used it. I never use that door because it goes under the porch and is kind of hidden.

I put my key in the lock and it turns right away. Again I thought that was odd because I usually turn the lock the wrong way. So I walk in the house and put my purse on the kitchen table, which is right next to the back door.

I then notice that door is locked but open. Like someone had walked out and closed the door behind them, but didn't pull enough to actually close it.

I am almost OCD about checking my house doors before I leave. Joey Sky uses the porch door to go to the bus stop in the morning, but I am the last one in and I always close and lock it. I actually check 4 times before I leave.

My morning routine before I leave is: Brush teeth, check back door. Comb hair, check back door, Grab lunch, check kitchen door, check back door, leave out the living room door. Check living room door, check bedroom door then up the stairs. I don't just jiggle the handles to make sure they are ok, I pull/push to make sure the door is shut. I know for a fact I checked it this morning.

So I'm un nerved... I decide to have a smoke and I walk around the house to see if I can see foot prints by the outside door. As I walk closer I see that the screen from the window is out. And then I notice the window is wide open.

Fuck. Someone has broken into my apartment. And with where that window sits, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON would EVER see them. But wouldn't someone notice them coming from my back door? Or even walking around the house?

I tell Joey Sky to not touch anything and I call the police. I take note of the house and notice my closet light is on. I look in and they had slashed through a plastic bag with clothes and opened up a box with some Halloween stuff in it.

Then I go in my room and notice that all the drawers in my room had been gone through.
The thing that perplexes me is that the ONLY thing taken was a jar with about $5 in bills and coins. Even though they saw the jewerly, they didn't take it. I even opened the boxes and looked.
My iPods, my digital camera, my guitar and amp, my computer, my CD's and DVD's were all sitting there. The game systems weren't touched. The bills on Joey Sky's dresser were still sitting there.

When the police officer came, he acted like he didn't believe me since no one saw anything. I tried to explain to him that I always leave everything locked. Hell I don't even keep my windows open at night.

He said there were no forced signs of entry and he was confused that even if someone did break in, why didn't they take anything?

I told him I thought someone was casing the place. He said that could be but even if they were, they would have taken the things easy to pocket... Like the iPod and camera. It pissed me off that he thought I was lying. I even showed him the 3 other places where they tried to break in.
I'm scared shitless. I called my super and told him I wasn't coming in tomorrow. The repair man called and said he was going to be in the area tomorrow and would stop by and help me with installing new dead bolts and some other things.

My nerves are shot. Beyond shot. I moved my knife block into my bedroom and if something happens we've got plenty of escape routes.

As if my nerves weren't fucked up enough, I come home to feeling like I've been violated.
I've got to find a better job and get the fuck out of this place, like, yesterday.


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