
A better update, hopefully

So I haven't been online much due to the new job. Granted I'm home a good two full hours earlier than previously, it's just that having some day light hours really rules, especially now the weathers nice.

I've been trying to catch up and check up when I can. You might see that I've been around, but not posting, or making comments as much. I'm still here.

It's just that by nature, I'm a vampire. When given time off, with in about 24 hours, my body says it's time to go to bed at 4 am and get up at 1 pm... so getting up at 5:30 am to get to work by 7am is a little hard on my body.

I've also been trying to keep busy. A few weekends ago, I painted the outside hallway. I didn't mean to really, it did need to be done, but I wasn't really planning on doing it then. After I tried to do a cool effect on it, it looked like shit, so I ended up painting over it. So a 4 hour job turned into 12.

The new job is going really well. I've already gotten compliments on it, and I talked with the SVP today and he told me that I was already ahead of where they hoped I'd be at this point. Which I took as a very big compliment seeing as how my trainer dropped the ball on me.

I did tell him that I was frustrated with the situation and I felt like there were huge holes in what I should have learned. I explained that things I felt comfortable with were gone over more than I needed, and that things I wasn't understanding were breezed over.

I explained that I wasn't sure if I should talk to him about my concerns or if I should have let it go, but he said he was glad that I did as that is one of the reasons they hired me. They told me they liked the fact that I wasn't shy and didn't seem like the person who would have reservations about any issues I encountered. When he said that I felt a great relief and he agreed that there are some gaps.

The new company is really cool. Every day at 3pm, we get free popcorn, coffee and tea are only $0.25 per cup (not that I drink it), hot cocoa is $0.50 a cup. We also have a ping pong table in the office and not only do we not get in trouble for sending emails via our co-workers unlocked computer, the SVP joins in the fun as well.

The company is a bunch of Jokers and practical gag specialists. The CEO has been known to join in the fun.

Last week our A/C went out when it was 97 outside. It was down for two days, and they didn't force us to come in, but for those of us who did, we got free water, soda and juice all day long. The company even bought everyone ice cream bars.

I'm working harder than I was before at The Hartford, but I'm not as stressed when I leave, not even close. And talking with people who have been there 4-5 years, they say the same thing.

The only downside is the working in two states taxes thing, it takes about 1/3 of my paycheck, but I should get most of it back at taxes from what I understand.

This weekend is over time, and in Mass Saturday is time and a half, no matter how many hours worked, Sunday is double time, and if I want to work a paid holiday, I get holiday pay plus double time.... So when I can I'll be working holidays!

I do have to wear my wig when there, but I don't mind. I did ask at HR if the odd colored hair would be a big deal and HR checked with the main HR who asked the CEO, and they stated they would prefer not. I told HR it wasn't a big deal to wear my wig if my other hair color would prevent me from working there. She said that she thought it was too bad because she have loved to see my hair color on a weekly basis. Oh well.

In other news, not too much on the home front. I'm working on a family get together in early July when my brother is in town. That's about it.

Kind of boring around here lately, but chaotic as well.

Just another day in the life of MetalRose. Exciting, I know...



For Fathers Day

This morning, Joey Sky woke me up telling me to call Papa Pete (my biological dad) to wish him a Happy Fathers Day. Before I was even awake all the way, he had called my dad and then handed me the phone.

It's no secret that I didn't want to talk to him, but when I was handed the phone, the signal cut out and I lost the call. I didn't call back. My sister told me that was rude, that he probally thinks I hung up on him. I told her I didn't really care.

I won't get into all the gory details, but suffice to say, my dad and I aren't on the best terms. I decided I was better in life with out him. There's a saying that you date people who are similar to your parent(s), and if anyone knows my dating history (aside from the last guy), well then I think that speaks volumes.

For a very long time, I really had tried to maintain even a good terms relationship with my dad. That was until my half sister passed away.

Not too long ago, I found out that my dad didn't want any kids after my half sister and half brother. Regardless, here we are. I had always felt secondary (at best) in his life, and knowing that I wasn't wanted on his end has only magnified those feelings. It's hard to look at a man who treats me like he has no respect for me...

Which brings me to this blog. I just talked to my sister and told her about the phone cutting off. In which she went off into a huge tirade on how I haven't forgiven him and I shouldn't play the victim. After listening to her, not being able to be heard, she told me that when I was with my father, I was just like him. I hung up the phone. I am not my father nor will I ever be. And I know she said it to piss me off.

This is the second thing she has said to me that brings me *this close* to my boiling point with her. She is more like my father in that aspect because when she says thing that she KNOWS hurts me, she puts it on me as if I deserved it.

Right now I'm pissed. And since she won't listen to me, I'm going to address her issues here. I am NOT a victim to my father. Yes, I have forgiven him for what he has said and done to me in the past... what he said still fucking hurts and always will. I cannot forget those words. My sister pointed out that last time my father saw her he nagged her about her weight. While it hurts, it's superficial. The things my father has said to me go beyond weight and anything physical. While I won't list the lifetime of things he's done I'll list the main reason why I have decided to walk away from him.

When I was in the hospital giving birth- it was horrible. Not the birth of my son, but we were both sick. From the time I gave birth to about 6 weeks later, I was unable to eat. Nothing stayed down, not even water. My father sent me a fruit basket. When I finally had the strenght to call him MONTHS later, I was belittled and berated and told if I was that sick I should have called him. Maybe it's just me, but when I was fighting not only for my life, but for the life of my child, not able to eat or move with multiple surgeries in a few days, calling him was not on the list of things I was physically or mentally able to do. ESPECIALLY after he knew that my son was air lifted to a hosptial 2 hours away. A fruit basket? The lives of two people equate a fucking fruit basket?

But I forgave him for that. As much as it hurt me to, I let him back in my life.

When my half sister became ill from her breast cancer, my dad would drive from Flordia to Tennessee to spend days, weeks and months with her. When I was in the hospital dying, he didn't try and come see me. He didn't even call me, not once. He would make treks to see my half sister over the course of two years.

When my sister passed away from breast cancer, I flew down for the funeral. At the wake, my dad was sitting in the back room with the food crying. For a moment, I felt sorry for him. He looked so tired an old. I was about to reach over and hold him when he said, "Now you kids know if you ever need me, I'll be there."

And the knife twists a little further. I handed my dad an orange and went into the other room and cried.

For all of the times in my life when I needed him, he was NEVER there. Not even for the little things. There was a time I had no pads and he was too busy talking with his girlfriend that he refused to run to the store and get some. The Friday nights where he left my sister and I at the dance studio for 3-4 hours and so much more. I forgave all that...

But this... Even now, two years later, my heart breaks thinking about it.

I never expected my father (nor anyone) to be perfect. Not ever, but I thought that there would be respect. That statement proved to me that he DIDN'T care about us... well at least not me. Where was he when I was dying? When his grandchild was dying? Playing around on the internet to find some cheap ass fruit basket to send in leu of him being there. "Gee I'm sorry that you and your new baby are struggling for your lives. Enjoy the fruit!"

Yes it hurts. It hurts to know that the one person who is supposed to love you sees you in a second class- convienience only light, who views you as a burden not a bundle of joy who should recieve love.

Perhaps my sister is right, and I haven't forgiven him fully. Regardless, I've decided that he does NOT have to be a part of my life.

When I do talk to my dad, I don't answer personal questions, nor do I let him demean me. I do stand up for myself. But why would I keep someone in my life who constantly berates me? Who constantly criticizes me for everything I do and don't do? Someone who tells their child, after they accomplished a dream, that it wasn't good enough and not logical? The man who made my brother walk home in the middle of a Minnesota winter with no jacket, drove my sister home, then locked me in my room and lied to the police about it? The man who told me he was afraid of me...

Just because he got the pleasure (but none of the pain) in my creation, he should be in my life? No. This man is toxic to me and I do not have to have that in my life.

I don't owe him shit, because he's never given me shit. And I'm not talking monetary. I only give my unconditional love when it's returned in at least some small aspect.

This man was abusive. My sister never saw half of what I saw with him. He has treated her with at least some respect, to which I was never privy too.

I am too strong and too good of a person to allow to him to have any more power over me. Instead of "dealing with it and ignoring it" because he's my father. I've cut it off at the pass. As I said, I don't owe him shit, nor does he owe me shit. I don't have the time or energy to devote to a one sided relationship that in the end will only harm me.

When I was growing up, my dad would always say, "I'm not making you feel guilty, it's you that's doing it."

I think it works the same with regrets..

While there are two things in life I do regret (both dealing with death), I won't regret cutting him out of my life. We have no relationship and I don't have to sit around while he hurls insults because "that's just the way he is." I admit I can be narcassistic, but if I know I may hurt someone, I have the tact to think before I speak... and if I accidently hurt someone, know when to admit wrong doing.

If he died tomorrow, I don't think I'd attend his funeral. It's not something I'm proud of, it's fact. I don't want his money, I don't want his love, I just don't want him in my life.

The way he is made him lose a daughter that he never really wanted in the first place. I just don't see where it's a loss for either of us.



Still alive.

Things in life were very interesting over the week. I can't get into too much detail here, but I wanted to let my reader, er, readers know that I am alive and well and still here.

I can blog about the fact that I just chopped 17 inches off my hair. Yeah. Interesting week that I'll have to get into some time later but for now I have to keep my mouth shut.



Things I hate right now.

One of my Aunt's refuses to let anyone use the word "HATE" around her, lest we have to name two things we love. Well forget that. I'm tired and crabby and feel like going on a tirade.

With out further ado, things I hate right now in no particular order:

-I hate that I'm lonely.

-I hate that I haven't been laid in MONTHS.

-I hate when people shorten my name. Whatever I introduce myself as is what I want to be called. You can holler for me all you want, but there's a reason I'm not responding, because that's NOT MY NAME!

-I hate that I can't find my TV remote and end up having odd dreams involving Roseann Bar and The Infomercial guy.

-I hate that I wake up 4 times a night because the TV is on, but I'm not coherent enough to be able to turn it off.

-I hate that I've spent the entire fucking day painting.

-I hate that I tried to do a cool paint effect on the wall and it failed.

-I hate that I had to repaint in order to be able to live with it.

-I hate that my house is a fucking pigsty and that I didn't get to it because the 4 hour painting job turned into 12 fucking hours.

-I hate that I made my child cry after I went on a huge diatribe after I asked him to help with the laundry.

-I hate that my child thinks that "Mom's are supposed to do everything."

-I hate that my finger nails are covered in 8 layers of latex paint.

-I hate when people call me when I'm in the middle of doing something... but yet have nothing to say, literally. The phone is for talking. You called me SAY SOMETHING!

- I hate when people use FOOD STAMPS to buy milk for their cat.

- I hate when two motorcycles take up 3 parking spaces right in front of the store.

-I hate when old women throw a fit over $0.89 holding up the line.

-I hate that the person in line BEHIND me went in front of me and took for fucking ever.... when all I needed was that bag that's sitting behind the counter because the ass hat clerk didn't hand it to me when I left.

- I hate those bikini girls who gave me the evil eye for not going to their car wash when I was in their parking lot twice in one day. I'm not giving you $5 to wash my car when I can do it myself and have no idea what you're raising money for. Besides for that price, I better see nipple.

- I hate that I've bought 4 lighters in 3 days, and lost all of them.

- I hate that one of the lighters in the two pack didn't work from the moment I opened it.

- I hate that I haven't quit smoking yet.

-I hate that I lost my sunglasses.

-I hate that I have the heeby-jeebies after finding a just hatched spider egg sack on my clothes line.

-I hate that this moth is flying around my head and bothering me.

- I hate that all I've injested today was 2 Dr. Peppers, a bag of chips and 2 devil cakes (frozen)

-I hate that I smell like 3 day old ass from sweating my ass off.

-I hate hating so much right now.

Guess it's time to shower and hit the sack... If only I could find my TV remote. Argh.



Just call me "Firestarter"

So those following along with my blogs over the last month or so know that I've had a series of fires around me over the course of about 5 weeks.

On April 25th-ish, there were the two house fires. A couple of weeks later, there was the fire in the kitchen at work.

Today at work, I was doing some computer training via the phone with someone in Spokane when my computer just died. I then noticed that half the lights in the office were out, and then heard a whole bunch of beeping. I told the woman on the other end of the phone that the computer went out. She then asked if the lights were out and it took me a few minutes to convince her that my computer was really out... Only about half our office was running. And it was all on battery power.

Break time. So I went outside with some coworkers as others around the office ran around. A few minutes later- the sirens and then, the fire department.

I couldn't contain my laughter- although I did tell my co-workers that was the last time I hit the "big red button"... that I swore it was going to say, "That was easy."

I'm not 100% clear as to why they came, but I think it had something to do with our server room "overheating". Although it really wasn't.

So folks, if you're counting that's 3 fire issues in 5 weeks (4 if you count the two houses individually).

In other news, work is going well and I really like the new job. The drive in the morning isn't bad as I don't hit traffic and don't have to fight my way through Hartford... which has the worst road system ever.

I do hit a little bit of traffic, but it's literally right around the corner from my office and doesn't set me back. It's only about 15 cars or so. No big deal.

Traffice on the way home is *slightly* worse as I have to deal with all the school buses, but I'm home a good 2 hours earlier than with my prior job. And the day flies by.

I leave work at 3:30, I take two breaks in the morning and eat lunch at 12:30 by the time I get done, I only have two and a half hours left before I leave.

Still in training there, but am supposed to go "live" next week. I'm looking forward to it as I generally learn better when I'm thrown into it. But we'll see how it goes next week.



What do I know, I only work here.

Aside from the passing of my friend Earl, I have gotten a few text messages as well as a few other emails in regards to others passing. I do want to take a moment to send my love to all those who have lost over the last two weeks.

With that, on to the news.

I started my new job on Monday. I'm still not really clear on what I'm doing aside from taking calls about Business Loans for farmers, although it's more trouble shooting questions as far as I've seen. (I'm still scratching my head on that one. A city-rock-and-roll-to-the-core gal working for farmers? Yeah, no idea how that worked.)

The new job is really laid back, I can wear jeans and sneakers when ever I want. So perhaps tomorrow I'll wear a pair of jeans... or maybe not. We get donuts on Tuesdays and popcorn every day at 3 pm. I'm out of work and home by about 4:15-30ish. Which is super cool.

Anyway, not much to say other than I'm heading to bed. Getting up at the time I'm used to falling asleep is going to KILL me. Ick.
