
Things I hate right now.

One of my Aunt's refuses to let anyone use the word "HATE" around her, lest we have to name two things we love. Well forget that. I'm tired and crabby and feel like going on a tirade.

With out further ado, things I hate right now in no particular order:

-I hate that I'm lonely.

-I hate that I haven't been laid in MONTHS.

-I hate when people shorten my name. Whatever I introduce myself as is what I want to be called. You can holler for me all you want, but there's a reason I'm not responding, because that's NOT MY NAME!

-I hate that I can't find my TV remote and end up having odd dreams involving Roseann Bar and The Infomercial guy.

-I hate that I wake up 4 times a night because the TV is on, but I'm not coherent enough to be able to turn it off.

-I hate that I've spent the entire fucking day painting.

-I hate that I tried to do a cool paint effect on the wall and it failed.

-I hate that I had to repaint in order to be able to live with it.

-I hate that my house is a fucking pigsty and that I didn't get to it because the 4 hour painting job turned into 12 fucking hours.

-I hate that I made my child cry after I went on a huge diatribe after I asked him to help with the laundry.

-I hate that my child thinks that "Mom's are supposed to do everything."

-I hate that my finger nails are covered in 8 layers of latex paint.

-I hate when people call me when I'm in the middle of doing something... but yet have nothing to say, literally. The phone is for talking. You called me SAY SOMETHING!

- I hate when people use FOOD STAMPS to buy milk for their cat.

- I hate when two motorcycles take up 3 parking spaces right in front of the store.

-I hate when old women throw a fit over $0.89 holding up the line.

-I hate that the person in line BEHIND me went in front of me and took for fucking ever.... when all I needed was that bag that's sitting behind the counter because the ass hat clerk didn't hand it to me when I left.

- I hate those bikini girls who gave me the evil eye for not going to their car wash when I was in their parking lot twice in one day. I'm not giving you $5 to wash my car when I can do it myself and have no idea what you're raising money for. Besides for that price, I better see nipple.

- I hate that I've bought 4 lighters in 3 days, and lost all of them.

- I hate that one of the lighters in the two pack didn't work from the moment I opened it.

- I hate that I haven't quit smoking yet.

-I hate that I lost my sunglasses.

-I hate that I have the heeby-jeebies after finding a just hatched spider egg sack on my clothes line.

-I hate that this moth is flying around my head and bothering me.

- I hate that all I've injested today was 2 Dr. Peppers, a bag of chips and 2 devil cakes (frozen)

-I hate that I smell like 3 day old ass from sweating my ass off.

-I hate hating so much right now.

Guess it's time to shower and hit the sack... If only I could find my TV remote. Argh.



David said...

It's your list and all, but can I add condescending Europeans? Long story...

Brand said...

Someone is seriously missing out by not having sex with you. GO GET SOME GIRL!!!