
Just call me "Firestarter"

So those following along with my blogs over the last month or so know that I've had a series of fires around me over the course of about 5 weeks.

On April 25th-ish, there were the two house fires. A couple of weeks later, there was the fire in the kitchen at work.

Today at work, I was doing some computer training via the phone with someone in Spokane when my computer just died. I then noticed that half the lights in the office were out, and then heard a whole bunch of beeping. I told the woman on the other end of the phone that the computer went out. She then asked if the lights were out and it took me a few minutes to convince her that my computer was really out... Only about half our office was running. And it was all on battery power.

Break time. So I went outside with some coworkers as others around the office ran around. A few minutes later- the sirens and then, the fire department.

I couldn't contain my laughter- although I did tell my co-workers that was the last time I hit the "big red button"... that I swore it was going to say, "That was easy."

I'm not 100% clear as to why they came, but I think it had something to do with our server room "overheating". Although it really wasn't.

So folks, if you're counting that's 3 fire issues in 5 weeks (4 if you count the two houses individually).

In other news, work is going well and I really like the new job. The drive in the morning isn't bad as I don't hit traffic and don't have to fight my way through Hartford... which has the worst road system ever.

I do hit a little bit of traffic, but it's literally right around the corner from my office and doesn't set me back. It's only about 15 cars or so. No big deal.

Traffice on the way home is *slightly* worse as I have to deal with all the school buses, but I'm home a good 2 hours earlier than with my prior job. And the day flies by.

I leave work at 3:30, I take two breaks in the morning and eat lunch at 12:30 by the time I get done, I only have two and a half hours left before I leave.

Still in training there, but am supposed to go "live" next week. I'm looking forward to it as I generally learn better when I'm thrown into it. But we'll see how it goes next week.


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