
Thoughts and feelings.

The weekend started with a bang. Friday at work there was a fire. Not just a drill an actual fire.
Shortly before, my super sent a message to my department stating that I was leaving the company to become a Roadie for New Kids on the Block. (Who are indeed making a comeback. I saw a part of it on TV when I was getting ready for work. Two words: Tone deaf. Alright two more: Train Wreck)

Then a co-worker had an emergency and since she wasn't able to drive, I took her to where she needed to go. Since I was half way home and traffic was a nightmare, my super told me to just call it a day. Sweet.

Friday night, my mom came into town for my aunt's birthday yesterday. It was nice to have a clean place... but it's back to being a total disaster. I went to the Craft store yesterday to find a project for Joey Sky and I to do. Then I got inspired and spent $150! Ooops. Then of course, I stayed up until about 6 am working on my crafts.

I woke up this morning with Joey Sky cooking cinnamon rolls. Yummy! I had left a note for him to wake me up before he did it... but man let me just say that waking up to that smell was amazing! And he did a great job at it, so he didn't get in trouble.

In other news, next week I have most of the week off so I can get a few things done before I start my new job. I'm really looking forward to this and the HR director sent me a "Welcome Aboard" card with a hand written note inside.

I've got a lot of thoughts swimming in my head right now, and thought about blogging about them today, but I think I'll hold off until a little later this week... when I know that what I'm thinking has a clear path. Or at least one that is coherent when written.


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