
'Bout Damn Time!

So there are a few of you who know the whole work shennanigins. Once it kind of settled, basically HR told me I wasn't going anywhere with the company... Even though I'm the front runner for a couple of other postions, they aren't a reality yet and IF they do open, it'll be a 6 months to a year or longer.

I applied at a few other places outside the company. I took a day off work and spent the day intereviewing.

One I had went really really well. They said they'd make a decision with in a week and I never heard back.

Fast foward to a couple of weeks ago. I checked my email and saw a letter from the company asking for a second interview with the SVP. It was a quick 15 minute phone interview. After it was done, I still wasn't sure if I got the job or not. It's hard to tell on the phone sometimes.

Five minutes later, their HR department contacted me and asked for a background check! She said, "It sounds like it went well!" Sweet.

Today, during my break I checked my voicemails and noticed I had one call but two voicemails. So I checked them and one was from the SVP who wanted to talk to me to offer a postion!

YAY ME! After we talked about the details, I accepted the offer. It's about $7,500-$8,000 MORE per year than I currently make (with 6 years in this specific industry too!) SCORE! The position I applied for at work was only about $2,000 or so more!

As far as drive time, theoreticlly (sp?) it's only about 5 more minutes longer to there than it is to my current office... but realisticly, it should be shorter. I left work today at 5pm and got home at 6:20! And the hours I'm working, I'm almost betting I won't hit hardly any traffic at all... and I'm going North into Mass and not South into Hartford! Which will avoid TONS of traffic.

I did ask him about my vacation (to ProgPower) in September. He said "No problem!" I told him I'd only need a day or two off work. He was totally cool with that!

I'm so freaking excited right now! Guess good things really do come to those who wait.


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