
Those Pancakes were fucking Delicious.

Saturday came all too early. Sleeping in would have been great, but my son had a birthday party to go to and I had an hour drive to pick him up, and an hour drive back. *sigh*

So I throw on my gym clothes and head out to pick him up. Of course I was late and hadn't picked up a birthday gift yet. *Sigh* My son got the the party about an hour late and I hit the gym. After working on some cardio for about an hour, I went to my locker to head out to get Joey Sky after the party. As I unlocked it, he called and wanted to spend the night.

So I went back downstairs to work out some more. Later, I dropped off some clothes for him and did a little bit of shopping for a pair of work out shoes (read tennis shoes- ick) and a gym bag.

The rest of the night, well I had no idea what to do. I started to clean again in case Stripper called to come over for some pancakes. I thought about hitting a movie, but nothing was out that interested me. Then I thought about seeing what was playing for live music around, but never got that far. I ended up vegging in front of the TV for a while and then crashing out fairly early.

Sunday rolled around and I kept up the cleaning. I cranked some Volbeat and the new Mercenary... The pancake call never came, and I wasn't suprised in the least... as I found out that Stripper, was in fact also a drummer.


Lyric of the day: Choose to find salvation in the sorrow / I hope to see you laughing (Mercenary ~ Isolation [Lonliness in December])

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