
I smell like stripper.

Tonight, my cousin had her bachelorette party. Since she lives only a mile or so from me I offered to pick her up. My cousin is watching Joey Sky, but she lives an hour away. So at 4, I left work to get him there in time.

I got home around 5, showered and was out by 6pm, to my cousins and back home by around 7:30 which I told my cousin I'd pick her up between 7 and 7:30. I got to her place just after 7:30. I got out of my car and went to get her, and use the bathroom.

After I got out of the bathroom, it dawned on me, I had no idea where my car keys were. Shit, so I checked my pockets and all over her place. Nope, of course I left them in my car. *Sigh* So we took her car to my place since there was a lock box there (here) that I had the combo to.
I walk in the door and go to get my extra set of keys and shit... nothing. The entire lock box is gone. FUCK. So I walk down my place thinking of ways to break in but instead feel like I should try the door.

Thankfully, I had asked my son to run back inside and grab something and he left the door unlocked! SCORE! So I grab my extra set of keys and we head back to my cousin's place and get my car.

While at the party, apparently her neighbors complained about the noise and sent the cops over. Of course, it was the oldest trick in the book which she fell for. We had hired a male stripper. The guy was pretty fucking hot and he was so much fun. He ended up hanging out for quite a while after and just drinking and bsing with us all.

I had mentioned that I make a mean pancake and the stripper took my number and promised to be at my place on Sunday for pancakes. As the night wore on, my cousin and I headed back to my place and the stipper called. They were at a bar down the street from my place and we decided to head out to meet them.

With in 20 minutes they were gone as it was last call, but he promised he was still on for pancakes on Sunday. Riiiiiiggght. Regardless, I'm freaking tired, the party was a blast, and I have to make sure I have enough for pancakes if they decide to call.


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