
Not so bright ideas, a quick reference guide by MetalRose

Things that aren’t so bright.

1. When going to the gym wearing tight fitting light gray pants isn’t a bright idea. When you sweat in certain areas, it looks as if you wet yourself. Double bad idea for ladies during a special time of the month.

2. It’s not a bright idea, after dying your hair, while still wet, to remove your latex gloves and then continue playing with your hair.

3. When dying your hair and getting hair dye all over, it’s not a bright idea to use rubbing alcholol around your mouth and nose area.

4. It’s even less of a bright idea to continue doing it while coughing so much you nearly gag.

5. I also found out, I mean, it’s not a good idea to hit the treadmill with your iPod on full blast only to think you can let a silent one out. Just because you can’t hear it doesn’t mean the hot guy on the treadmill next to you won’t.

6. Its not a good idea to do the above while wearing light clothes making you look like you urinated all over yourself.

Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything, just thought I’d sent out a friendly reminder to y’all.


1 comment:

David said...

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... or just grosses out everyone around you.