
So the marathon.

I've been thinking a lot about the marathon. From what I've read, most recommend running at least a year (and 25 miles a week) before trying out for a marathon.

By no means does that mean I'm going to quit. However I know I have to slowly build up to that. Right now I think I'm going to start my training after ProgPower and hit it hard. That way I will have most temptations out of my way. Mostly smoking and junk food.

I'm going to keep hitting the gym as I did before, but I think I'm going to strive for more cardio each week and slowly build up my running... well start running. But I'll get to that slowly.

I'm hoping to drop a bit of weight and am really going to watch what I eat even closer.

Tomorrow, I'll set up an appointment with a doctor in the area, get my thyroid checked and talk to him about training for a marathon and get his advise and thoughts so I don't hurt myself.

I never planning on running the marathon in the next 6 months and by the looks of it my first marathon may be in spring of 2010- Which after ProgPower will give me about 15 months of training. That may move depending on if I am physically able to do it as the last thing I want to do is hurt myself. And I'll have to run other half marathons and marathons in the area in order to qualify for something larger - IE the Boston Marathon.

Either way, I'm scared shit less, but that motivates me all the way.


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