
A new day

I've got blogs all over the place. I figured it was time to condense them all in one.

Who am I? I'm a 29 year old single mother of a kick ass 9 year old boy. Our life consists of metal concerts, camping, bowling and many other things.

I'll post on here about my life which can include the following things: Dating, music, musicians, concerts, vacations, my son, work, people or things that really piss me off. Anything that suits my fancy.

The way I live my life is this: If I were to die tomorrow and someone wrote a book about me, would I have enough stories to make it interesting? Would I have loved enough people for strangers to empathize with me? Would I have laughed and smiled enough to make my stories comedies or would I have hurt to many people so that my story would be a tragedy?

I sometimes put song or movie quotes at the end of my blogs to convey what I'm thinking or if I think it's funny.

So, for all the new people and old ones,



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the same philosophy of life. Kind of. Its very existential. Life is a story.