
Drama Drama Drama

I know that most people do their "Year in Review" blogs right about now. The last couple of years, I've been doing mine in March- about the time that I left MN to start new. So be looking for it then.

Home life has been complicated lately. The feud with my 3rd floor neighbors has gotten progressively worse so to speak.

Friday night, got home from work and around 9, I went out for a smoke. Low and behold I see a car parked behind me blocking me in. *Sigh* The last time one of their friends pulled that crap, I told my 3rd floor neighbors that I will have it towed. Granted, it's been a couple of months, but I did what any person would do. I called the police. Had it been the first time, hell even the 3rd time, I would have gone up and asked them to move. But this has been a continuing pattern since I moved in almost.

As you can see on the passenger side of me there is an open parking space. Interestingly enough, on the drivers side there is an open parking space as well. You can't see in the picture, but about 2 feet from her front bumper is a fire hydrant.

So let's recap this folks: 1. She's blocking me in. 2. She's parked facing the wrong way. 3. She's parked in front of a fire hydrant. 4. There are TWO open spots on either side of me.

The cops come and I go out and talk to them and tell them that I didn't really want to call, but no matter how many times I've asked nicely, they continue to block me in. And I pointed out that there were two open spots in the parking area that it was sheer laziness that she parked behind me blocking me in.

After the police leaves, the girl comes out and starts throwing a fit. "You could have come up and asked me to move my car!" and "You're technically in the 3rd floors parking space." Uh. No to both. I've asked nicely many times and am tired of being nice. And I'm in the middle spot and if you count: One, Two, Three, I'm in the 2nd floors parking space. BUT since I am the only one who lives there that has a car, well guess what, I'm parking where ever the hell I want to park because I can. Fuck I can park across all 3 spots if I wanted.

Besides, when it snowed, I was out there shoveling that space out. I didn't see them out there. I find it funny for people who don't have a car, they make such a fuss about where they are going to park when they do get a car they've been talking about for the last year. I think that the girl thinks I'm in the 3rd floors spot because the girl that lives there said when they get a car, they are kicking me out of that spot so they can park there. Right. I want a million dollars, so by her logic by me saying it, means it's true.

She then pulled the "seniority" crap. I told her as long as I'm the one out there shoveling my own spot, I'm parking there. Period.

Then today, I'm outside again, and she throws a fit about someone telling the management company that they have 15 people living up there. Alright it's not 15 anymore, but there are at least 7 adults in a two bedroom. Almost twice the amount legally for them. They have at least 5 listed on the mailbox. There have been complaints about them from not only me, but from the maintainence man, the people next door (who will be moving into the 2nd floor in a couple weeks), and the people across the street.

I know there have been a handful of pictures passed on to the management company, but I don't know who passed them on. I just heard word from the maintainence guy.

So the girl says, "If we decide to pull the plug on mom, that apartment is now me and Jeremy's." Uh, it's not yours dumbass. You're not on the lease. It's your boyfriends and you're still TWO over the legal limit and have people living in your attic.

I swear it's a revolving door up there. But as a side note, that car that parked behind me is no longer blocking me in. I guess they got the point when I called the police, which is what I wanted. There is no reason for me to go all the way upstairs when I want to go somewhere.

Anyway, off to play some Guitar Hero now! Lefty Flip here I come!


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